November 2, 2015

Some people come and go. You thought that some 'friends' are your true friends. You thought that they'll stay. How is it that people can just change like that? I don't understand and I really don't. 突然的感触真的让我觉得心酸。 人生也不过如此。你渴望的、奢望的、不是你的就永远不可能是你的。我的真心对待总是换来一次又一次的打击。我、也是有极限的。我、也只是个普通人。

April 11, 2015

The same type of people exist almost everywhere. You just have to learn to be strong and take things easy. Because if you don't, they will not feel sad for you and the world will not stop revolving. So... Muster your courage and try your best!

Easier said than done...

February 25, 2015

Perfectionism can be a curse that often leads to depression. According to psychologists, perfectionists may have unrealistic views about failure and are overly critical of themselves, which has a very negative impact on daily life.

Am I really taking things too hard?

February 12, 2015

This looks really cool! I'm going to try this (when the non-lazy days shine)!

January 28, 2015

Just remember, even your worst days only have twenty-four hours.

January 10, 2015

I refuse to close the blog because I know this is one place where I can still turn to when I've got no one by my side. Not that there's no one with me now. But I mean... This is a place for me, myself and I. It has been awhile since I've last left my trail here. I won't stop till... I don't know when... I hope for the best for everyone, you and I. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

March 4, 2014

Finals are drawing near and I'm nowhere near ready. Despite the clear indication that I should have study harder, I've got no motivation to do this. My friends are always teasing me. They don't care. Who cares? That's my life, isn't it? I wanna prove them wrong... I can do this!